Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Common-Law Marriages


Pennsylvania dissolved CL marriages Jan 1st 2005, however those who were CL prior to this date were grandfathered in.

Lawyers apparently didn't receive the memo, because a recent case dropped into the laps of Keystone Advocates, whereas a 74yo woman who was CL since 1991 with this man "Mike", and recently & wrongfully evicted from her home of 30+ yrs by his realtor daughter, rendering the woman homeless; these attys refused to help citing Pa dissolved CLMs.

Keystone Advocates jumped in and filed a CL divorce, and filed for spousal support at domestics. KA assist people statewide free of charge. They're a branch of PALA, Pennsylvania Labor Advocates, who were assisting fired workers from the vaccine mandate last September 2021.

Today KA received a distress call from a woman whose CL husband is in UPMC hospital in Harrisburg. His son has POA, and refused her to see her husband. Patient advocate threw her out & called security. Hospital admin & legal refuse to speak to her. (She contacted the Pittsburgh headquarters to no avail.) His POA is for financial & medical. The POA doesn't exclude marital rights. The hospital's legal dept knows this.

A potential lawsuit may have to be filed. UPMC is not new to lawsuits as there have been plenty, one being last winter, where a patient was denied under the right to try act, signed by President Trump, the right to use alternative medicines in regards to covid and a lawsuit was filed & ruled in patients favor, however it was too late, the patient died. *UPMC is an insurance company who bought into hospitals, that should be very telling.

I cannot understand where the lawlessness is coming from, as it appears to be only narrative serving. It is truly a shame people have no legal resources to assist them. The local legal aid MidPenn Legal Services refused to help either of the women. (Dickinson College, Marshall U same refusal.)

It is taking the people to rise up and help themselves. *And they're winning, going up against school districts, county & state gov'ts et al.


If you wish to help 'Helen" you may donate here:


 #commonlaw #marriages #marriage

Common-Law Marriages

  Pennsylvania dissolved CL marriages Jan 1st 2005, however those who were CL prior to this date were grandfathered in. Lawyers apparently ...